Lovely Mixed Nut Butter

I love to make nut butters from scratch because most store bought has sugar in them. I used 100% maple syrup in this recipe that I got from an excellent blog called OhSheGlows  but for the most part I usually just omit sugar. This nut butter is great for a snack on the run with sliced apples or celery. Please let me know how yours turned out!

The Nut butter begins!!!

 I use William Sonoma’s non-stick baking sheet. Otherwise please use parchment paper first.

The end result wasn’t so creamy, because my vitamix started to over heat, so I suggest using a food processor.


-1 1/3 Cup Raw Almonds

-2/3 Cup Pecans

-1 Tablespoon of Chia Seeds

-1 Tablespoon of Flaxseed Whole

-3 Tablespoons of 100% Maple Syrup

-1/2 Tablespoon of Coconut Oil

-1/2 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract

-Pinch of Fine Grain Pink Himalayan Salt

Makes:  1.25-1.5 Cups


1. Mix in a bowl Almonds, Pecans, Chia Seeds, Flaxseeds and Maple Syrup.

2. Spread Mixture over a baking sheet. Put parchment paper down first if your baking sheet is not non-stick resistant. And then bake on 300 degrees for 12 minutes, and please mix the spread around after 6 minutes so it won’t burn on one side. Then let cool for 10 minutes.

3. Place the spread into a food processor. I used my vitamin and to be honest it started to over heat so a food processor is what needs to be used. It may take a little while and scrap down the sides while you go. Once it is a creamy form please add the coconut oil, vanilla extract and pinch of salt. Then mix until smooth.

4. Place in glass sealed jar and keep in the fridge. It can last up to a month!

I used mine to spread on toast, green apples, celery and overnight oats (which I will post later).

Here is the link from where I got the idea except omitted the walnuts since I am allergic. She used her food processor and you can see how creamy it got!!!

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